Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"Community Conversations: Linking Trauma to the African American" at the Black History Museum and Cultural Center

Tomorrow, October 6th 2016, from 6-8pm, at the Black History Museum & Cultural Center(122 West Leigh Street, Richmond VA), the museum is partnering with Civitas for a community conversation relating to trauma, the African American community, and law enforcement. From the event description:

“Jimmie Lee Jackson. Eric Gardner. Tamir Rice. Sandra Bland. Philando Castile. The list grows and the hashtags are numbing. How are we coping? What conversations are we having with our children? How do we show compassion to our African American co-workers? In partnership with Civitas, we will take an in-depth historical and mental health look at the crisis between law enforcement and the African American community, developing cross-sector solutions through a Collective Impact approach.”

This is the first of three iterations of this event; it will be held again on October 20th and 27th. The event is free, but registration is required.

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