Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Premiere of "Facing The Surge," Old Dominion University

NOTE: This event is taking place in Norfolk, but because of its subject matter, I am listing it here despite the distance. 

Wednesday, September 28th 2016, from 7-8:45pm, at the University Theatre at Old Dominion University (47th Street & Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk VA), the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and Chesapeake Bay Group Sierra Club are holding a screening of the documentary film “Facing the Surge.” After the film, there will be a panel discussion with ODU professors on the science of climate change, a talk with featured storytellers from the film, and a panel discussion with local leaders on policy initiatives to combat climate change and sea level rise. From the event description:

“Facing the Surge documents the tangible costs of sea level rise for the people of Norfolk, VA. Norfolk is home to the largest naval base in the country and to thousands of hard-working Americans struggling to adapt to the rising tides and an uncertain future. The town has registered 16 inches of sea level rise since 1930. But Facing the Surge is not a film about loss and inaction. It tells the stories of citizens from across the United States as they step forward to raise awareness and push their government to solve climate change.” 

The event is free and open to the public, but you must reserve a ticket by following the instructions through the link. For more information, see the link. 

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