Thursday, July 21, 2016

Black Lives Matter Youth Forum and Open Mic

Tomorrow, Friday July 22nd 2016, from 4-8pm, at Atlas (114 West Marshall Street, Richmond VA), ART 180 is hosting two events for teens to discuss police brutality, racism, violence, and recent events. The first event is a poetry workshop, and the second is the Black Lives Matter Youth Forum and Open Mic.

4-6pm, Poetry Workshop with John Blake: Teens will write poems to express their hopes, fears, dreams and frustrations surrounding issues of police brutality, institutional racism, and social justice. John Blake, an experienced poetry teacher and National Poetry Slam finalist, will lead the session.

6-8pm, Black Lives Matter Youth Forum and Open Mic: This month’s open mic at Atlas will include a forum for teens in the community to openly discuss their concerns and feelings behind the recent events around the country. There are are a number of events around the community for adults to express themselves, but this one is just for teens. ART 180 teen leader Sydney Vick and community leader and ART 180 friend Robert Dortch will facilitate the conversation, which will include a chance for teens to perform poetry, music and stories in an open mic format.

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